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RapidMiner/ Linguistic analysis

kasiakasia Member Posts: 1 Learner III
edited November 2018 in Help
Hello everyone!

At the moment, I am writing a thesis and to this purpose I want to use RapidMiner. I do not have any experience with this program, that’s why I would be grateful if you could tell me if RapidMiner is recommendable in my case. The version “COMMUNITY Forever Free” is available to me.

1. I wish to trace words with a concrete prefix in some files (newspaper articles), e.g. “inter-“ in words such as “international” etc. The prefix is displayed, but not the other part of the word. I want RapidMiner to find and display all words with “inter-“ to me (!).

2. I want to find words like “super”, and to know the word following “super”. That means, I would need a formula that displays the following search result: <super><blank space><the following word>. Here, I want to see a list of all matching cases as a result, too.

I’m really looking forward to your help! Every tip is worth a mint to me!

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