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Allow the superset operator to work on collections

JEdwardJEdward RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 578 Unicorn

I just created a collection of examplesets, but then needed to combine them together into a single set using Append.  Unfortunately as the Pivot operator was used within the generation of the collection the number of attributes did not match in every case. 
To make all the featuresets the same I found that I needed to loop the collection and use Remember & Recall along with Superset.  Is it possible to allow the superset operator to work on a collection (so adding all missing features to each set in the collection) to save me doing this step? 

If there is another way to have done it and I was just being an idiot, please feel free to tell me. 

:) J
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  • JoosBuijsJoosBuijs Member Posts: 5 Contributor II

    I'm currently wondering this as well as I had a nice loop over files, convert to example set with filename as a column etc. but now I have to manually add operators for each file in order to call superset several times. Any better approach would be appreciated.
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