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No full download for 5.3.15?

MacPhotoBikerMacPhotoBiker Member Posts: 60 Contributor II
edited November 2018 in Help
I'm running RM 5.3.013 on Linux Mint 15. When I check updates, I get a notice that the new version 5.3.15 is available. So I log in, and select the update for download and installation. At the end, I get a message that it was installed successfully, and I'm asked if I want to restart RA. When I click yes, RA is shut down, but does not restart itself. When I start it manually, the update is not being installed, I'm still running RA 5.3.013.

I then tried to simply download a new full version, but on SourceForge, 5.3.013 is the latest available version:


Is there a way to get my installation updated properly? Or to the contrary, can I somewhere download the latest full version?



  • MariusHelfMariusHelf RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 1,869 Unicorn

    the automatic update probably only works if you use the RapidMinerGUI script, not when loading RapidMiner via java -jar. However, if you need to download the full latest version you can get it from http://community.rapidminer.com (there is also a link to the community site at the bottom of the normal http://rapidminer.com website).

    Best regards,
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