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does the preview in the import wizard show the correct data structured in a table? You need to set some parameters during import to match your actual .csv file structure.
You can check the rapidminer-studio.log / rm.log file in the .RapidMiner / .RapidMiner5 folder in your user home to see if any errors appear after importing.
also i have only rpidminer studio library and couldn't find the log files u indicated
RapidMiner Studio stores settings in a custom folder in the user folder of your operating system. So for example on Windows "C:\users\username" is the user folder, and in there is a subfolder called ".RapidMiner" or ".RapidMiner5" (depends on the version you are running). In there either rapidminer-studio.log or rm.log can be found, which might give me a clue what went wrong.
Jan 23, 2014 9:07:50 PM com.rapidminer.tools.I18N <clinit>
INFO: Set locale to en.
Jan 23, 2014 9:07:50 PM com.rapidminer.license.ProductConstraintManager initialize
INFO: Initializing license manager.
Jan 23, 2014 9:07:50 PM com.rapidminer.license.ProductConstraintManager initialize
INFO: Using default license location.
Jan 23, 2014 9:07:50 PM com.rapidminer.license.ProductConstraintManager initialize
INFO: Registering default product.
Jan 23, 2014 9:07:50 PM com.rapidminer.tools.plugin.Plugin registerPlugins
INFO: Register plugin: Data Editor
Jan 23, 2014 9:07:52 PM com.rapidminer.tools.expression.parser.ExpressionParserFactory <clinit>
INFO: Default version of expression parser registered successfully
Jan 23, 2014 9:08:19 PM com.rapidminer.tools.jdbc.JDBCProperties <init>
WARNING: Missing database driver class name for ODBC Bridge (e.g. Access)
Jan 23, 2014 9:08:19 PM com.rapidminer.tools.jdbc.JDBCProperties registerDrivers
INFO: JDBC driver ca.ingres.jdbc.IngresDriver not found. Probably the driver is not installed.
Jan 23, 2014 9:08:41 PM com.rapidminer.gui.ApplicationPerspectives loadAll
CONFIG: Loading perspectives.
Jan 23, 2014 9:08:58 PM com.rapid_i.deployment.update.client.UpdateManager checkForUpdates
CONFIG: Ignoring update check. Last update check was on 1/23/14 7:20 PM.
Jan 23, 2014 9:10:32 PM com.rapidminer.operator.nio.model.WizardState readNow
INFO: Reading example set...
Jan 23, 2014 9:12:06 PM com.rapidminer.operator.nio.model.WizardState readNow
INFO: Reading example set...
Jan 23, 2014 9:33:20 PM com.rapidminer.gui.RapidMinerGUI$ShutdownHook run
INFO: Running shutdown sequence.
Jan 23, 2014 9:33:20 PM com.rapidminer.gui.ApplicationPerspectives saveAll
CONFIG: Saving perspectives.
Jan 23, 2014 9:33:20 PM com.rapidminer.tools.usagestats.UsageStatistics save
CONFIG: Saving operator usage.
is it possible to post the first couple of rows from your .csv file here? I could then create my own .csv file with your data and see if something is broken.
4_0.3_0.7_2000_2_-2_-19_0.8,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
4_0.3_0.7_2000_3_-6_-38_1.4,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
4_0.3_0.7_2000_2_2_-19_1.1,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
4_0.3_0.7_2000_4_-2_-38_1.1,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
4_0.3_0.7_2000_4_2_-38_0.5,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
4_0.3_0.7_2000_2_-2_-19_0.5,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
4_0.3_0.7_2000_4_-6_-38_0.5,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
4_0.3_0.7_2000_2_6_-19_0.8,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
4_0.3_0.7_2000_4_-6_-38_1.4,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
4_0.3_0.7_2000_2_2_-38_1.1,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
4_0.3_0.7_2000_2_-6_-19_1.4,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
4_0.3_0.7_2000_4_-2_-38_0.8,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
4_0.3_0.7_2000_4_-6_-19_0.5,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
4_0.3_0.7_2000_2_-2_-38_0.5,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
4_0.3_0.7_2000_2_-6_-38_1.1,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
4_0.3_0.7_2000_4_-6_-38_1.1,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
4_0.3_0.7_2000_2_6_-38_1.1,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
4_0.3_0.7_2000_2_-6_-38_0.5,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
4_0.3_0.7_2000_3_2_-19_0.5,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
4_0.3_0.7_2000_4_2_-38_1.4,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
4_0.3_0.7_2000_2_-2_-19_1.4,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
4_0.3_0.7_2000_3_2_-38_0.5,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
4_0.3_0.7_2000_2_6_-38_0.8,02/01/2013 09:35,BUY,1,1450.25,,,2013-01-02,09:35
sorry for the delay, your answer slipped by!
This works for me just fine when selecting "," as the separator. See the process below (you just need to adapt the location of the .csv file): Regards,