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Feature Requests for RapidMiner Server

JEdwardJEdward RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 578 Unicorn
Now that RapidMiner Server 7.1 is released I'd like to put down a list of features I'd like to see included in a future release. 

  • Hide folders that the user does not have access to view. This means that if I login as 'user1' I do not see '/home/admin/' as in my repository view.  This will have a side benefit of being a visual check for permissions on apps.
  • Search function on repository.
  • Allow copying of App Components Between views.  (For example to copy a button placement with sizing, placement & image across each view in the App for consistency.)
  • Allow CSS for app size rather App width & height in pixels (also for components). This makes it much easier to design layouts for mobile.
  • Allow multiple outputs to be used for components for example to overlay two charts on top of each other. (See also next item)
  • Have HTML or JSON output of data which is available as a variable/macro to an 'Advanced' operator where it can be used within Raw HTML. Basically to alllow me to create the data output in a RapidMiner Studio process, but then write the HTML+D3 part in the RapidMiner Server component. This would make it much easier to edit, particularly when passing between the 'Data team' & the 'Visualization team' for larger projects.
  • Ability to upload files through a web app component.  Basically an 'Upload your file' here button useful for a scoring web app or an ETL process.
  • Set reports to open in Full Screen view with left navigation menu minimised.  Especially useful if accessing via weblink.
0 votes

Declined · Last Updated

no comments or votes in over a year - closing this idea for now. Please comment if still relevant.


  • sgenzersgenzer Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Community Manager, Member, University Professor, PM Moderator Posts: 2,959 Community Manager
    +1 to all
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