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"Where do I find log files in case there is a problem with RapidMiner Studio"

User13User13 Member Posts: 155 Maven
edited June 2019 in Knowledge Base

To find log files for RapidMiner Studio, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your user home folder and switch to the /.RapidMiner subfolder.
    1. On a windows machine this will be typically C:\Users\<username\.Rapidminer
  2. Open the rapidminer-studio.log file. It is generated each time RapidMiner Studio is started. The file for the pre-startup phase is called launcher.log .
  3. Please note that there will also be some files like rapidminer-studio.log.1, rapidminer-studio.log.2 These are old historical files.


You can also view most of the logs generated by studio directly within the studio interface. 

To find logs from Studio Interface,

  1. click on the View Menu. 
  2. Then click on the "Show Panel" menu.
  3. Select "Logs" under the list of available views.

You can then drag and dock the view to appropriate location that suits your style.

 The context menu of the Log panel provides additional capabilities like changing log level, clearing exiting log or saving log to files.

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