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[Solved] Converting Numerical Values to Binomial
Member Posts: 18 Contributor II
Very new user here so apologies if this questions seems dumb!!
I have some survey data with answers to each question as follows:
Yes = 1
No = 2
Undecided = 3
Refused to answer = 4
I want to remove all values not equal to 1 or 2 or set it to "N/A" and then set values = 1 to "True" and set values = 2 to "False"
At the moment, I'm using "Generate Attributes" to create new attributes called "answer_yes" (answer==1) and "answer_no" (answer==2)
I presume there is a much better way to do this?? Or is this way as simple as any??
Any help appreciated :-)
Very new user here so apologies if this questions seems dumb!!
I have some survey data with answers to each question as follows:
Yes = 1
No = 2
Undecided = 3
Refused to answer = 4
I want to remove all values not equal to 1 or 2 or set it to "N/A" and then set values = 1 to "True" and set values = 2 to "False"
At the moment, I'm using "Generate Attributes" to create new attributes called "answer_yes" (answer==1) and "answer_no" (answer==2)
I presume there is a much better way to do this?? Or is this way as simple as any??
Any help appreciated :-)
does each row only contain the answer to a single question? Is the anwer column nominal? f so, you can use the Filter Examples operator to get ride of rows where the value is not 1 or 2. Then you can use Generate Attributes (on the very same answer column, the operator can overwrite existing values) with this expression: otherwise you can do Regards,
Thanks for your reponse Marco.
Each row contains the answer the multiple questions (i.e. each column is a question and each row is a respondent)
Each answer is nominal (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc) although is viewed by RapidMiner as numerical.
I'll have a try when I get home and let you know how I got on