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setParameter Problems
Hi, I´m creating a sample operator with balanced data, but when I want to set the parameter PARAMETER_SAMPLE_RATIO_LIST i don´t know how to do it.I want to take all the example that has the label=good and half of label=bad so the values would be: good-> 1.0 and bad -> 0.5.How should I set this parameter.
My code is:
My code is:
public ExampleSet randomSampling(ExampleSet ES,String ProcessPath){
Operator op= OperatorService.createOperator(SamplingOperator.class);
op.setParameter(SamplingOperator.PARAMETER_SAMPLE, "relative");
op.setParameter(SamplingOperator.PARAMETER_BALANCE_DATA, "true");
op.setParameter(SamplingOperator.PARAMETER_SAMPLE_RATIO_LIST, "good, 1.0");
ExampleSet result=null;
if(op.getOutputPorts().getPortByIndex(0).getAnyDataOrNull() instanceof ExampleSet)
result=(ExampleSet) op.getOutputPorts().getPortByIndex(0).getAnyDataOrNull();
return result;
}catch(OperatorCreationException | OperatorException e){
return null;
you can use a List<String> as the parameter vaue.
I didn´t realice about that, i was able to make it work with your help.