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Predict Series - the model inside!?

DoninhasDoninhas Member Posts: 3 Contributor I
edited May 2020 in Help
Hey guys,

I am trying to predict a time series using another timeseries.
In other words: My training set is a set of time series and the label is a time series too.

Excel sheet with columns:
date ser1 ser2 ser3 label_ser4

Than I have another set of time series and want to predict #4:
excel sheet with columns:
date ser1 ser2 ser3

Using the "Time Series" Operator I get this result for #4:

My question is now: I there a posibility to use the model, created in the "time series" operator. I tried "remember/recall", which failed (meaing the result was a straight line).

thanx alot in advance!

PS: Does anyone have another idea how to predict the given data?
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