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Read files from FTP

d_hofmann84d_hofmann84 Member Posts: 7 Contributor II
edited November 2018 in Help
Hi together,

I would like to read CSV files from a FTP-Server on a daily base. (lets assume, that a script drops every day a new file there). Is there any possebility to do so? I know that I can set Cron Jobs on RapidMiner Server, but I don't know an operator which is capable of reading files from FTP. Or maybe there is an workaround...

Cheers and many thanks,



  • JEdwardJEdward RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 578 Unicorn
    A little bit of Groovy script (The Script Operator) does the trick. 
    I'll see if I can knock you up a simple process example, but it's pretty much a straight copy of the ones you'll find on groovy forums. 
  • d_hofmann84d_hofmann84 Member Posts: 7 Contributor II
    Hi JEdward,

    that would be awesome if you could drop some script snipped. I will also have a look at the forum you mentioned.

    many thanks!!
  • d_hofmann84d_hofmann84 Member Posts: 7 Contributor II
    Hi together,

    i just solved the problem by using the normal Read CSV Operator. Just use the normal syntax e.g.: "ftp://user:password@test.server.de/html/test.csv" and alter the filename with makros.


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