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"creating a template"

neslbneslb Member Posts: 1 Learner III
edited June 2019 in Help
I am evaluating Rapidminer for my company.

One of the things I would like to be able to do is create a "template" for certain problems, so the user just needs to plug in their data and can get most of the way there.

I can see a structure like this in the demo, but I can't find anything in the documentation.

Is this possible? Easy?




  • Marco_BoeckMarco_Boeck Administrator, Moderator, Employee, Member, University Professor Posts: 1,996 RM Engineering

    yes this is possible via the Wizards. You can plug in custom wizards where the user basically only has to supply his own data and is then taken to a preconfigured dashboard. While there is documentation available on how to do that, as far as I know it's not yet publicly available.
    Each wizard equals a .zip file which contains all the necessary information.  To add a custom wizard, you create a custom zip file containing all the necessary files and place it under RM_Studio/templates where RM_Studio is the folder you have installed RapidMiner Studio to. It should automatically be picked up the next time you start it.

    Because documentation is not yet available publicly, for now all I can say in the forum is to have a look at the shipped wizards which can be found inside the RM_Studio/lib folder packaged inside the rapidminer.jar. A .jar acts like a .zip file so every tool which can handle .zip files can handle .jar files. Navigate to the subfolder com\rapidminer\resources\template in said jar and you will find the 4 shipped wizard .zip files. You can then inspect them and see what they contain.

    However if you require the documentation to build your custom wizards, I suggest contacting us to talk to people who can help you more than I can in that regard.

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