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Decision tree
Member Posts: 9 Contributor II
I'm trying to use a decision tree to predict user will leave.
My data include 4 regular attributes (2 nominal, 2 integer), and 1 special attribute (nominal label).
When using the Decision Tree operator I don't get a tree with all data, only one of the regular appear (as root) and the leafs contains the label data (which is OK).
What am I doing wrong?
Hello, this may be simply happening because the data does not have patterns that fit the criteria you set.
I will suggest trying values for pruning, prepruning and confidence values.
A better way to find a right value for these would be using the "Optimize Parameters (Grid) operator and giving it a range to try combinations of some of these variables that affect your model.
You should be able to see a sample process in the help for "Optimize Parameters(Grid)" to see how this operator works
Good Luck
Followup question -
First of all, thank you for your answer.
I created a table with patterns (manually), first to check i'm doing it right.
Is there a way to know who is located in each leaf?
I would like to learn which users will have a specific value (the labell value) in the future.
what you can do is use the tree to rules operator. As a result (see attached process) you get the paths as strings. That might be helpful in first place. There is no one operator solution to apply this rules to a dataset to get "leaf IDs" but it might be possible to find some working process with things like Write as Text and then parse the resulting text files.
Dortmund, Germany