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Twoing Algorithm
Hi Gurus,
You have to help me. We have a projekt for CART(Classification and Regression Trees) (Twoing Algortihm or Gini Algorithm). But ıf we could look for the twoing algorithm in RapidMiner Studion we found nothing. which algorithm is the best to them.
We thought that the bests are Classification by Regression or 'Classification and Decision Trees'. Could you recommend one of them or anything else
Thanks in advance
best regards
Eser Baybek
We have Decision Tree, Random Tree operators for CART.
When you grow the tree based on some splitting criteria or impurity measurements, you can choose from
According to the definition by IBM ftp://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/analytics/spss/support/Stats/Docs/Statistics/Algorithms/13.0/TREE-CART.pdf
When the number of classes in your example, C=2, twoing is equivalent to the usual impurity index. A quick check on the classic R library RPART (Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees) , and twoing is neither a part of RPART. But this paper about rpartOrdinal
offer some twoing options in R. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2899711/
And as you may know it is quite easy to integrate your R codes in rapidminer.
Hope this hepls.