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"Feedback on Marketplace Extensions"

stevefarrstevefarr Member Posts: 93 Maven
edited June 2019 in Knowledge Base

I had a note from Jan Czogalla @jczogallaat Dortmund University back in April. We had been conversing on the subject of the two extensions Jan has written for RapidMiner. 


For those of you unfamilar with these they are the extension that enables you to bring HDF5 files into RapidMIner 

and, very useful to those of you looking top create you own extensions, the Rapid Development extension.


Jan's feedback was that, as a developer, it is quite difficult to get... feedback. Although we have the pages referenced above where you can add comments, in reality nobody does - because you all download the extensions directly from RapidMiner, without ever visiting the Marketplace Website. All that Jan, and others get is the download count. Jan has had over 4.5K downloads of his extensions, but would like your opinions on how well they work today and what you would like to see in the future.  


So, that's one of the useful new features of the Community - Private Messaging.


To send a private message:

  1. Sign in to the community.
  2. Click your avatar on the top right of the page and select  the Envelope icon. 
  3. Click Compose New Message.
  4. Enter the recipient's name in the Send to area.
  5. Enter the subject for the message in the Message Subject area.
  6. Type the message
  7. Click Send Message.
    You can look for the messages you've sent in the Sent Messages tab.


More information on Jan's extensions please visit these two pages:









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