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"Google CSV export format issue - AdWords, WebmasterTools, Analytics..."
Member Posts: 13 Contributor II
Recently I've realized some issues with Google generated CSV files. When I CSV Read them into Rapidminer (v7.1) the result is strange - I attached a file for
The same happens in case of any CSV files exported from Google web related tools, like AdWords, Keyword Planner, WebmasterTools, etc.
The CSVs are usually tab separated and this is win1250 (I think) - but charset does not an issue
Please help me what I am overlooking?
PS Read File turnaround works but VERY time consuming...
Best Answer
bhupendra_patil Employee, Member Posts: 168 RM Data Scientist
it looks like some sort of encoding issue,
in your import wizard try one of the UTF -encoding like in the screen shot below
Thanks it looks OK - so encoding setting is the solution.
The issue is, that NOT every CSV is encoded accordingly - so I have to find out one by one... but it is my challenge.
Thank you!
So it is encoding - hopefully all Google CSVs are UTF16...
BTW if you want to set tab / tabulator for coloumn separator type \t
I have not found it in the documentation, hopefully it is useful