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How to Share Repositories

Fred12Fred12 Member Posts: 344 Unicorn
edited November 2018 in Help


I know it was written somewhere as a description in a manual how to construct ones folders... I can't find it anymore... can someone plz tell me what would be the best strategy to organise one's experiments in the folders?


  • Telcontar120Telcontar120 RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 1,635 Unicorn

    The RapidMiner recommended repository structure is to create a folder for each project, and then within that to have one subfolder for data and another subfolder for processes.  This keeps everything quite organized.  


    If you have only a single process and a single data repository for a given project, then you can probably skip the subdirectories :-)


    And you can also add higher level folders for grouping your projects if that is a relevant organizational layer for your work.

    Brian T.
    Lindon Ventures 
    Data Science Consulting from Certified RapidMiner Experts
  • MartinLiebigMartinLiebig Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, University Professor Posts: 3,529 RM Data Scientist

    My standard folder structure per project is like this:


    - data
    - app
    -- View 1
    -- View 2
    -- View 3
    - processes
    -- subprocesses
    - results
    - models
    - static
    - debug data

    might be worth to write an article on it :)

    - Sr. Director Data Solutions, Altair RapidMiner -
    Dortmund, Germany
  • bhupendra_patilbhupendra_patil Employee, Member Posts: 168 RM Data Scientist



    Highly recommended way is using RapidMiner server(There is a free version available)


    Here is another article that describes how to share repositories in absense of a server


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