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Image Feature Detection with LBP Operator?

Fred12Fred12 Member Posts: 344 Unicorn
edited November 2018 in Help

edit: Had to edit the subject title, something got messed up...


I want to do image feature detection (and object detection) based on LBP feature recognition, so I basically want to binarize images based on some threshold, and then do LBP to recognize so called "visual words", which are then put together in a characteristic histogram that can be processed / classified by a SVM for object detection.

Is there any tutorial on this, or some example from where to start from?


Best Answer

  • VaclavVaclav RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 23 Maven
    Solution Accepted

    Hello Fred,

    there is Fast LBP Detector operator with tutorial process. You can start there.


    Best wishes,



  • Fred12Fred12 Member Posts: 344 Unicorn

    I have a serious problem... none of the tutorial processes is really working...

    I used positive and neg. examples for eyes and haar detector with random forest inside, but no eyes were detected:




    but I basically had problems with every other of the tutorial p rocesses, too. None of them were basically working like it should..

  • VaclavVaclav RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 23 Maven

    Hello Fred,

    the example serves for illustration how to setup a process. If you need accurate detection, you need better training set. Also LBP is not best detector.


    Best wishes,


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