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"OK" button and return key on keyboard
Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Community Manager, Member, University Professor, PM Moderator Posts: 2,959 Community Manager
Hi...I find often that some pop-up windows that require an "OK" or "Cancel" option vary. Some I have to physically click "OK" with the mouse (i.e. the return key on the keyboard does nothing), and other times the return key works. Adding rows in the Data Editor is a good example (see screenshot). It is much faster to hit the return key than mousing over to the OK button all the time. Thank you!
Hi Scott,
thanks for the product feedback!
Have you also other dialogs in mind which should be improved in regard to the keyboard usability?
Thanks, Marcel. There are lots of dialog boxes where this happens. I will try to be more systematic about noting them.