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About Rapidminer Server processing space and billing system

tasbihmrtasbihmr Member Posts: 9 Contributor I
edited November 2018 in Help

Dear All,

We have installed the Rapidminer studio and server demo versions and setup a small processing system. I am interested to know that how can I setup a Rapidminer server in which I can control the processing space and also have a billing system which I can see the processing allocated and a way to check and control the processing space.

How can we begin to setup something like this ?





  • JEdwardJEdward RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 578 Unicorn

    Is it possible for you to draw a quick diagram of the type of setup you are thinking of so it can help me follow?  @tasbihmr

  • tasbihmrtasbihmr Member Posts: 9 Contributor I


    I have drawn a very simple diagram which you can see attached. Hadoop, YARN, and HIVE working together through Radoop with the Rapidminer Studio, and Rapidminer Server to accept the processing jobs. How can we control the CPU and Ram allocated via Rapidminer Server, and to have a simple billing system, so we can allocate charges based on the CPU and Ram used ?

    I am ready to discuss this with you, and my Skype is: maziar.tasbihi



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