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problem with use wordnet operator

ahootanhaahootanha Member Posts: 69 Learner III
edited December 2018 in Help

Hi, I've got a Twitter data entry
I want to use WordPress
But this error appears
Please guide.
Send me a screenshot of the performance



  • Pavithra_RaoPavithra_Rao Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 123 RM Data Scientist

    Hi @ahootanha


    Could you confirm that you have pointed the right directory containing stem dictionary for "Open WordNet Dictionary"?


    Could you please take a screenshot after clicking on 'MoreInfo'

    Also please share the Studio log file found here:  C:\users\<username>\.RapidMiner\


    This will help us debug the issue easily.



  • ahootanhaahootanha Member Posts: 69 Learner III

    Hi, Thanks for your reply
    I've run the program many times. But this error is repeated every time
    Please guide

  • Pavithra_RaoPavithra_Rao Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 123 RM Data Scientist

    Hi @ahootanha


    I have few similar process where I use Open wordnet dictionary.


    As shown in below screenshot I point the directory to the folder where I have dictionary saved in following formats:


    process.pngformat of dictionariesxyz.pngProcess using Open wordnet dictionary


    Not sure what format you have saved your stem dictionary. The error seems to be related to file formats, hence it's not able to parse or read the files.


    Also please share the log files to help debug the issue here.

    It will in your .RapidMiner folder :C:\users\<username>\.Rapidminer \**.log


    Hope this helps.




  • ahootanhaahootanha Member Posts: 69 Learner III

    I saw this in the log file
    The dictionary was just like you
    Please guide

  • Pavithra_RaoPavithra_Rao Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 123 RM Data Scientist

    Hi @ahootanha


    Could you please attach the .log file here. The screenshot of the log file doesn't really help.




  • ahootanhaahootanha Member Posts: 69 Learner III

    I posted the file
    Please guide

  • ahootanhaahootanha Member Posts: 69 Learner III

    Can no one help me?
    Very necessary
    Please help me

  • sgenzersgenzer Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Community Manager, Member, University Professor, PM Moderator Posts: 2,959 Community Manager

    hello @ahootanha please be patient. This is a community forum - people volunteer their time to help users when they can. :)


    [EDIT: I just looked at your PDF. You only posted a fragment of your log file rather than the whole thing but it's pretty clear that the Wordnet dictionary is the problem here:


    SEVERE: Process failed: Error reading F:\WordNet-3.0: Could not open dictionary from directory

    com.rapidminer.operator.UserError: Error reading F:\WordNet-3.0: Could not open dictionary from
    directory F:\WordNet-3.0




  • ahootanhaahootanha Member Posts: 69 Learner III

    Hello Forgive me Believe me, I'm very caught I thank you and the community What should i do now To overcome the problem Please guide Thanks & Regards

  • sgenzersgenzer Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Community Manager, Member, University Professor, PM Moderator Posts: 2,959 Community Manager

    hello @ahootanha - so I still think the problem is the dictionary path that you're giving that Wordnet operator. Perhaps you can post your XML and your dataset so we can see what you're doing?




  • Thomas_OttThomas_Ott RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 1,761 Unicorn

    @ahootanha did you try switching the parameter from 'directory' to 'resource?' I seem to remember that at times it causes a conflict that can be resolved by toggling one or the other. 

  • ahootanhaahootanha Member Posts: 69 Learner III

    Thank you for your attention
    I used this data for the exam (Posted)
    I changed my data many times, but there is still the same error.
    May I ask you to do it and send your rapidminer file? Along with the wordnet Dictionary?
    I will be grateful.


  • ahootanhaahootanha Member Posts: 69 Learner III

    Honorable professors
    Please send me an example that uses Twitter data.
    Anything I did not run. And I see the same error ...

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