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Facebook geo-location data / user details

julian_djulian_d Member Posts: 8 Contributor I
edited December 2018 in Help

Hi there,

I have read some posts regarding the RM Facebook Operators already but was not able to find out how to get geo-location data from the Facebook posts that were retrieved by the “Find Pages” and “Find Page Content” Operators. Has anybody an idea? – I understand that the Find Pages operator looks into company as well as individual (personal) profiles with the restriction that they need to be public, correct?

Do you know how to retrieve information from the user of a certain post like city he/she lives in / the company is registered on facebook? I have been able now to do it with the Twitter Operators but do not really know how to proceed with the Facebook Operators. – Btw. is the number of results limited by a total quantity or by date?

Thanks in advance!



  • sgenzersgenzer Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Community Manager, Member, University Professor, PM Moderator Posts: 2,959 Community Manager

    tagging @SamirSahooAptus





  • julian_djulian_d Member Posts: 8 Contributor I

    Hi there,


    since geo locational data seems to be a more specific and complicated problem maybe we can take a step back...

    I have been trying to play more with the Facebook operators to figure out how the work and what they can and cannot do. I also used the solution posted by @curious95 on "Facebook-data-search-and-analysis" and came to the following conclusion:

    I understand that the find pages operator only searches for page names that are matching with the search query and then returns every post that has been made on that page. It does neither screen the content of the posts on that page nor does it capture any personal posts or comments (public) that were made matching with the search query on pages with different names. For example, if I search for "Apple" I will receive all posts posted on pages with a name containing "Apple". Posts that were made regarding Apple on the Microsoft page e.g. will not appear. Nor will a post appear that I made regarding Apple on my wall (even if its public) or a comment that I made regarding Apple on a public picture or video. Is my understanding correct?

    If yes then my question is, how am I able to access posts that match my search query independently from what the page name is, so I can get also the "Apple posts made on the Microsoft page" and personal posts on public profiles and comments.

    I read that @Thomas_Ott posted that maybe the Trigger Zapier Operator would be a way to retrieve Facebook information and tried to work with the Zapier Operator but as far as I can see the Zapier Operator only allows to actively post things when a certain condition is true but does not offer a search function. Any ideas?


    Thanks in advance for any help!



  • sgenzersgenzer Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Community Manager, Member, University Professor, PM Moderator Posts: 2,959 Community Manager

    hi @julian_d - I think you're in a situation where you're going to want to learn how to use and consume REST APIs. I would recommend starting with the Facebook Graph API (which is what those Facebook operators use) as there is a lot more functionality than what is exposed with Aptus Labs' operators. I have a series of KB posts here on the community that show examples of how to consume REST API data with RapidMiner so that should help as well. AFAIK no one has really built out a full-featured way of accessing Facebook Graph API but it is definitely a worthwhile project!




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