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sounds really like fun I think you will either have to use the Java native interface JNI or use a webservice, which takes the data and runs the process on it and returns the results in an appropriate form. We currently provide some webservices, so if you don't want to write it on your own and host your own server, you might want to contact us.
thanks for reply. I look at JNI, IKVM, webservices and it look great.At this point I decrease my goals and I try using rapidminer in C# app rather than integrating.I choose simple solution via System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() method. However there is some sort of tedious problem. When i run the code in C# in Visual studio 2008 or directly from comand line, it ends up with error: [Fatal] Cannot read config file C:/Program Files/Rapid-I/RapidMiner/scripts/01_ParameterOptimization.xml! Here is the source code: I cant imagine where is the bug.In Java via metod RapidMiner. init() and process.run() everything works well.
I guess, your process files is either not existing, misspelled or simply must be quoted.
adding escaped quotes fix my problem.Thanks.
Any one used IKVM tool to run the RM from .NET application?