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Set Access-Control-Allow-Origin in Header of Rapidminer Server Response

kevin_reifkevin_reif Member Posts: 6 Contributor I
edited November 2018 in Help

Hello Community,


I have a large problem for a long time and I need really help.

I want to use a process in a Web Service. For this I created the process in the stuido and uploaded it on the server.

When I call the process http://localhost:8080/api/rest/process/anonymous? via my jquery Ajax script, I get the folowing error in the console of my browser:


I set the rights in system settings of the server and rebooted many times:


Why does it not set the header in the response of the server?

The funniest part is, when I call the web service via postman (Windows application), it works fine and the server also set the header:


I have no more clues what to do.. Please help..



Best Regards





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    JEdwardJEdward RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 578 Unicorn

    Hi there, I think I found an answer to your issue on Stackoverflow.  Seems to be a JQuery thing. 



    See if the last answer here solves your issue:

    <SPAN class="typ">Access</SPAN><SPAN class="pun">-</SPAN><SPAN class="typ">Control</SPAN><SPAN class="pun">-</SPAN><SPAN class="typ">Allow</SPAN><SPAN class="pun">-</SPAN><SPAN class="typ">Headers</SPAN><SPAN class="pun">:</SPAN><SPAN class="pln"> x</SPAN><SPAN class="pun">-</SPAN><SPAN class="pln">requested</SPAN><SPAN class="pun">-</SPAN><SPAN class="kwd">with</SPAN> 



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