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Clustering - values that are not in dataset

altair777altair777 Member Posts: 1 Learner I
edited December 2018 in Help



Im new to data mining and I have a project to submit for my uni teacher. We were given some data and I only work with attributes age and several boolean attributes. The problem is that instead of getting results in a range between 0 and 1, I get 1 to 2, which is totally wierd. Trust me, there are only 0 and 1 values in the select attributes.


Does anyone has any idea why, please?



  • MaerkliMaerkli Member Posts: 84 Guru



    I am not an expert but are you sure that you don't mix up two different notions: boolean choice (true or false) and bining?

    Please, post the XML file - it is easier for the RM Community to help you.


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