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tweets retrieval for a month

snehchhabrasnehchhabra Member Posts: 2 Learner II
edited December 2018 in Help

is it possible to retrieve tweets for last few months???



  • rfuentealbarfuentealba RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Member, University Professor Posts: 568 Unicorn

    Hi @snehchhabra


    Probably not. I haven't used Twitter for a while now but I can tell you that, at least 6 months ago, one could just retrieve their latest 3200 tweets or try to search about certain terms and filter lots of pages to get a specific one. It is rather difficult to retrieve a larger dataset from Twitter without tricking the API and controlling errors such as repeating tweets. I have yet to see people who can read Twitter data in a specific timespan effectively, almost every dev I see stores daily information into a database or a file log rather than obtaining it from the Twitter API.


    Hope this helps,


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