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Weka Extension Missing PAA and SAX Time Series Filter Package?

richardsona4richardsona4 Member, University Professor Posts: 11 University Professor
edited November 2018 in Help

Hello RM Community,


I am new to RM, but also an average use with Weka.  I have installed the Weka Extension in my RM Studio build; however, when I looked through the available filters, I could not find PAA or SAX.  I was hoping to use RM as a more stable solution over Weka, given it is advertised that the RM Weka Extension contains most Weka functionality. 


Is there a way to add these packages within RM as a self-serve option?


Weka PAA SAX Filters.PNGPAA/SAX Time Series Filter






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    sgenzersgenzer Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Community Manager, Member, University Professor, PM Moderator Posts: 2,959 Community Manager

    hi again @richardsona4 -


    That's a perfect item for the ideas section. We maintain the Weka extension as best as we can but it is always a moving target. Last update was Nov 2016. :(


    That said, you are VERY welcome to contribute to the extension as it's under a AGPL license. @TobiasMalbrecht can provide more info along these lines...



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