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Hi. can someone tell me if there is an expiration date on the usage of the web-based automodel beta?

monasterial_jcmonasterial_jc Member Posts: 1 Learner I
edited June 2019 in Help
Hi. can someone tell me if there is an expiration date on the usage of the web-based automodel beta?



  • sgenzersgenzer Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Community Manager, Member, University Professor, PM Moderator Posts: 2,959 Community Manager
    hi @monasterial_jc - so Auto Model in the Cloud Beta version will eventually be replaced with a full-featured production version. I unfortunately cannot publicly release our product roadmap but I'm cc'ing our AM Cloud Product Manager @bhamornik to see if he can add anything.


  • bhamornikbhamornik Member Posts: 7 RM Product Management
    Hi @monasterial_jc , The Auto Model web application is currently available to try and test as a beta product. We would love to hear your experiences and feedback using the application. Since it is a beta there are certain features not yet ready and more to come. However, we would be happy to hear your point of view on how you would profit from the existing application and what capability do would you like to see added?

  • bhamornikbhamornik Member Posts: 7 RM Product Management
    Hi @monasterial_jc I just want to add that the Auto Model Cloud beta has no end date set yet. This is independent of RapidMIner Studio 9.1's Beta period. Feel free to continue using Auto Model in the Cloud beta and we will keep you posted about updates related to this new product via email announcements.
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