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"Bug Report"
Member Posts: 40 Maven
Just from my experience, I recommend you use Deep Learning extension rather than Keras as this is unstable in RM.
You can download from the market place and samples are provided for the same. This extension has both CNN and LSTM and you can run it on CPU or GPU. This extension runs on DL4j backend rather than tensorflow.
Which python did you set as default for keras extension? If you are using new anaconda which runs on 3.7 version, I think the issue is related to the incompatibility of Keras with new python 3.7 version as the official keras GitHub says they still didn't test for 3.7.
If you want to use keras, you can try 3.5 or 3.6 python with keras installed and the preferences for both keras and python in RM set to 3.6 version.
Here are a couple of members who work on this @hughesfleming68 @pschlunder
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Thanks for your answer.
I'm using RM 9.1.000 and python 3.6.7
I see that we need to use 3.5.2 as mentioned in below thread. Please take a look at below thread where @jpuente mentioned all the required modules to use keras in RapidMiner. Just try to install all the version recommended in below link and check if that works out. This is the major issue with this extension as it throws errors if any installation requirement is not fulfilled (mainly the required version).
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Yes, I see I should use python 3.5.2 (I have all required python packages already installed). I hope RM will fix this error because I already use the "Execute Python" operator with no problems.
I wanted to use Deep Learning in RM, so I went to the video "An Introduction to Deep Laerning with RapidMiner," which is quite nice but at the end shows an example using Keras operator (as I'm using Keras in Python, this is a nice choice for me).
Than I learned that I we need to use Python 3.5.2. The problem with that is that if I include this version in Anaconda/Python, it requires to update/downgrade many packages as Pandas, Numpy, etc.. But if I, for example downgrade a pakage, It may not be possible to use it in my original Python (3.6.7). I'm not an expert but it seems complicated to work with diferent versions of Python in the same ecosystem.
But the major problem I found in trying to use DL in RM is that it does not finish processing. I did an experience with the file bellow (included in Keras package) using the same settings in Python Keras and in RM H2O. The Python model was finished in few seconds but RM was processing for half hour thant I stopped the process.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, so If somebody can reproduce this process in RM it will be good to know.
Did you try to create a new environment in Anaconda with python 3.5.2 and install all packages and point this to RM in preferences? This works out generally. I don't think it downgrades packages that are used by 3.6.7 as the environment itself is separate.
If you are looking for a deep learning extension. I have a sample code with network setup (CNN) here not in keras but the java based DL extension. In case this might help
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