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Collection: count atrtibutes in each object

s_nektarijevics_nektarijevic RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Member Posts: 12 Contributor II
Dear all,

I run a process in which I create a small example set in each iteration of a loop, and merge them all in the end using the Append operator

However, somewhere in the process something goes wrong and apparently some iteration ends up creating an example set with a different number of attributes, so the append operator crashes,

Now, I want to debug this and I stored the entire collection. However I have ~70 k objects in the collection and I cannot look through them by eye. I was wandering whether there was an operator that returns the number of attributes in an example set, such that I can compute it for all objects in the collection and hopefully quickly spot where the problem is?

I didn't manage to find anything useful myself, so any input from you is valuable!


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