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"Set MongoDB Instance with a macro, is it possible?"

christian_plochchristian_ploch Member Posts: 3 Learner II
edited May 2019 in Help
Hello everyone,

long time lurker, first time poster.
I make it fast:

I've got a process, which reads with help of the NoSQL Connectors Plugin from my MongoDB. 
So far I was able to set a macro, which says what Collection should be read.

Is it also possible to set a macro, which sets the MongoDB "Instance" (e.g. mongodb://localhost:27017/{%db_name})?

I tried several methods, but it's not working here. Anyone an idea? Thanks!

Best Answer


  • christian_plochchristian_ploch Member Posts: 3 Learner II
    Yeah, I suspected that, it is not possible, hoped i overlooked something.
    But I will give a try with your solutions @kayman

    appreciate it! Thanks!
  • MartinLiebigMartinLiebig Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, University Professor Posts: 3,528 RM Data Scientist
    i think it's technically possible. you can hack the xml and just add %{macroName} at the right setting. Not a nice work around though.

    + We are working on it and the problem will be fixed "soon".

    - Sr. Director Data Solutions, Altair RapidMiner -
    Dortmund, Germany
  • christian_plochchristian_ploch Member Posts: 3 Learner II
    @mschmitz Yeah, already tried it with the process itself and also with the configurable-mongodb_instance.xml.
    If I play with the latter it throws me "Invalid JSON/BSON Object" (when I add the macro in the xml into the connection string). While the process gives me the "collection is not available".

    Thanks anyway :)
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