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I want to use a macro inside

PrenticePrentice Member Posts: 66 Maven
edited November 2019 in Help
I have an Excel sheet where the examples of an attribute can be either upper and lower case. However, I want to filter these out with one filter. I've already seen a thread where you put in the expression "matches(lower(word),"eng.+")", this was to filter out the word english, which could be in the forms of English and english. But my text is variable, now I know that I can use a macro for this. The problem is, I don't know the syntax for it to work inside the expression. I've already tried something like "matches(lower(word),%{Macro_Name})" or "matches(lower(word),".+%{Macro_Name}.+")", but with no succes. Is it even possible to do it this way, or is there another way?



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