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Time series on multiple results
Hi, i currently working on a illegal parking data set, which having attributes of date and 11 type of illegal parking and want to proceed with time series method windowing and ARIMA, My data is like below. I want to forecast 3 month ahead for each illegal parking type. is it workable?
Best Answer
tftemme Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, RMResearcher, Member Posts: 164 RM ResearchHi,
With one time series model (e.g. one ARIMA model) you can forecast one of your variable. So if you want to forecast all of your illegal parking attributes, you have to built 11 different models. You can for example use a Loop Attributes to loop over these and use the current attribute inside to built an ARIMA model for it. Your result will be a collection of models. You would need another Loop Collection with Apply Forecast to create the forecast. Merge the results of this Loop Collection together (an easy way to do this is the operator Merge Attributes from the operator toolbox extension). This should give you a forecast of all your illegal parking attributes.
Best regards