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Hey :) We're looking for user feedback

EgiShiakuEgiShiaku Employee, Member Posts: 7 RM Team Member
edited June 2019 in Help
Hi there, 

This is Egi from the RapidMiner Design Team. 

We are currently looking for active users to test some of our upcoming features and gather feedback on our products. You will have a 
chat with me or someone else from the RM Team and get to have an impact on the future of RapidMiner products! 

The call will not take more than 40 minutes - you can use the link below to book a meeting. 

Have any questions? Feel free to comment below and I will make sure to follow up.

Looking forward to chatting with you,



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    PapadPapad Member Posts: 68 Guru
    Hi @EgiShiaku ,
    the user you're looking for, has to be very experienced? Or that doesn't matters a lot?
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    EgiShiakuEgiShiaku Employee, Member Posts: 7 RM Team Member
    Hi @Papad , thanks for replying :)  All levels of experience are welcome - we want to hear from all our users. 

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    rfuentealbarfuentealba Moderator, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Member, University Professor Posts: 568 Unicorn
    Hello, @EgiShiaku, count on me.
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    sgenzersgenzer Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Community Manager, Member, University Professor, PM Moderator Posts: 2,959 Community Manager
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    EgiShiakuEgiShiaku Employee, Member Posts: 7 RM Team Member
    Hi @rfuentealba amazing- I will take you up on that offer!

    Anymore takers? :smiley:

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    varunm1varunm1 Moderator, Member Posts: 1,207 Unicorn
    Hello @EgiShiaku

    I am in. Will setup next week, if its ok?


    Be Safe. Follow precautions and Maintain Social Distancing

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    EgiShiakuEgiShiaku Employee, Member Posts: 7 RM Team Member
    Hi @varunm1
    Sure, works with me! 
    Looking forward,
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    MarcoBarradasMarcoBarradas Administrator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Member Posts: 272 Unicorn
    Count me in.
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    amitdamitd Member, University Professor Posts: 49 Maven
    I can participate.
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    EgiShiakuEgiShiaku Employee, Member Posts: 7 RM Team Member
    @amitdeokar Great! I'll write you a private message 
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