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Is it possible to get 100% prediction?

Joannach0ngJoannach0ng Member Posts: 7 Learner I
 Hi everyone I was told by my tutor to have a 100% accuracy prediction for my split validation ,so I was wondering if it is possible as I have tried from 0-1 but could not get to 100% ,can adding some operator do so for me to get to 100%?Thank you!


  • hughesfleming68hughesfleming68 Member Posts: 323 Unicorn
    edited August 2019
    In most cases when you have 100% prediction accuracy, it means that you are testing on your training data by mistake. You need to consider the randomness in your data first. For malware detection, very high accuracy would be desired for example. If on the other hand your data is a financial time series then anything better than random might be considered a good result.

    I would be very concerned if I got 100% accuracy in almost any real data set. The first thing I would do is try and figure out where I made a mistake. Randomness can easily mess up your perception of your model. You might get that and it could still be by chance.
  • Joannach0ngJoannach0ng Member Posts: 7 Learner I
    @hughesfleming68 Hi thank you for you reply !If I am not suppose to get 100% accuracy,is it beneficial in anyway to get higher accurcay e.g-to analyse data more accurately?
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