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Error Radoop with hive connection

hfescuderohfescudero Member Posts: 1 Learner I
edited August 2019 in Help
Hello . I am configuring Radoop with Hadoop HDP hortonworks (import from cluster manager) and when I run tests in hive it return the following error

[Aug 9, 2019 10:02:36 AM]: Integration test for 'DL_LMK_DESA 2' started.
[Aug 9, 2019 10:02:36 AM]: Using Radoop version 9.3.0.
[Aug 9, 2019 10:02:36 AM]: Running 11 tests: [Hive connection, Fetch dynamic settings, UDF jar upload, Create permanent UDFs, HDFS upload, Hive load data, SQL query (aggregation), Hive export, UDF query, Distributed Cache, UDAF query]
[Aug 9, 2019 10:02:36 AM]: Running test 1/11: Hive connection
[Aug 9, 2019 10:02:36 AM]: Hive server 2 connection ( test started.
[Aug 9, 2019 10:02:36 AM] SEVERE: Test failed: Hive connection
[Aug 9, 2019 10:02:36 AM]: Cleaning after test: Hive connection
[Aug 9, 2019 10:02:36 AM]: Total time: 0.214s
[Aug 9, 2019 10:02:36 AM]: com.rapidminer.operator.OperatorException: Error retrieving Hive object list. Please check your Hive server 2 connection settings.
    at eu.radoop.datahandler.hive.HiveHandler.getSimpleListFast(HiveHandler.java:2586)
    at eu.radoop.datahandler.hive.HiveHandler.getTableList(HiveHandler.java:2507)
    at eu.radoop.connections.service.test.connection.TestHiveConnection.call(TestHiveConnection.java:51)
    at eu.radoop.connections.service.test.connection.TestHiveConnection.call(TestHiveConnection.java:25)
    at eu.radoop.connections.service.test.RadoopTestContext.lambda$runTest$1(RadoopTestContext.java:280)
    at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
Caused by: eu.radoop.exception.NoStackTraceOperatorException: HiveQL error. Message: Error while processing statement: Cannot modify hive.remove.orderby.in.subquery at runtime. It is not in list of params that are allowed to be modified at runtime
    at eu.radoop.RadoopTools.formattedOperatorException(RadoopTools.java:1700)
    at eu.radoop.RadoopTools.formattedOperatorException(RadoopTools.java:1704)
    at eu.radoop.datahandler.hive.HiveHandler.runFastQueryPrivilegedAction(HiveHandler.java:1048)
    at eu.radoop.datahandler.hive.HiveHandler.runFastQuery(HiveHandler.java:986)
    at eu.radoop.datahandler.hive.HiveHandler.getSimpleListFast(HiveHandler.java:2575)

I have test the connetion from same Machine with DBeaber and it connect ok.
Hive is configured with no authetication ( no security)

Can anybody help me with this?

thank you



  • sgenzersgenzer Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Community Manager, Member, University Professor, PM Moderator Posts: 2,959 Community Manager
    hi @hfescudero hmm sorry no one has chimed in here. Is this still a problem?

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