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Best tool to use for different needs

atorre44atorre44 Member Posts: 1 Learner I
I am participating in a project whose main objective is to build a tool that can suggest the best software that could fit a given user needs. For that, I am responsible of gathering information from the different Data Analytics tools available at this time
I will try to be as short and concise as possible, so I do not take too much time from you. In the following chart, could you please select the option that might apply for each one of the dimensions?

1. User Domain:
a)            Social Network
b)           Entertainment
c)            Location
d)           Financial
e)           Event Detection

2. Data Sources
a)            NoSQL-DB
b)           DFS
c)            Parallel-DB
d)           Graph-DB

3. Data Ingestion
a)            Batch
b)           Real time

4. Query need
a)            On Disk
b)           In Memory

Thank you so much for your help!



  • M_MartinM_Martin RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Member Posts: 125 Unicorn
    Good afternoon, Armando:  I may have mis-understood your question, but the choice of application tools / environments to use for a given user requirement will also likely be influenced by the nature of the user requirement itself, what data is actually available to address that requirement, the desired delivery format of the outputs, and to what degree project outputs need to be integrated into existing data structures within your organization.  Best wishes, Michael Martin 
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