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Show charts as % not a count

btibertbtibert Member, University Professor Posts: 146 Guru
I am probably missing something obvious, but if I have a barplot of nominal value, I would like to see the % of the total, not the count.  Same goes for a pie chart.  Where can I apply that setting?  I see various aggregations, but not % of total.


Best Answer


  • yyhuangyyhuang Administrator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, Member Posts: 364 RM Data Scientist
    edited September 2019
    Another option is to get a quick pivot from TurboPrep

    Choose the count (percentage) in pivot, you are ready to go for the % counts plots

    With the pivot table for counts, percentages, averages, you can also make a quick chart


  • btibertbtibert Member, University Professor Posts: 146 Guru
    Thanks, I am trying to stay away from AutoModel because I want the class to wrestle with visually programming and working through the mechanics of cleaning, reshaping, aggregating data.  Aggregation makes sense, I just though this would have been a straight forward task using base RM.    In the short run, I can show them the distribution of the label via ExampleSet > Stats
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