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How to redirect user-home folder?

UF_AT_LearningSpacesUF_AT_LearningSpaces Member, University Professor Posts: 2 University Professor
edited October 2019 in Help

Towards the bottom of the guide to install rapidminer studio in a university lab environment there is mention of the ability to specify the property rapidminer.user-home on program startup. I tried to pass it like the guide suggests, but no luck. For example, based on the guide I assumed the following would work:
-Drapidminer.user-home=c:\testing</code><code>"C:\Program Files\RapidMiner\RapidMiner Studio\RapidMiner Studio.exe" 
What I would expect the above to do is change the location of the .RapidMiner folder from the current user's profile, to c:\testing or c:\testing\.RapidMiner. However, .RapidMiner still gets created under the current user profile.

I tried searching, but I don't think I saw any posts/kb on this, so appreciate any help.


P.S. @sgenzer suggested I tag @Marco_Boeck because he's awesome and may know the answer.

Best Answer


  • sgenzersgenzer Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Community Manager, Member, University Professor, PM Moderator Posts: 2,959 Community Manager
    you never disappoint, @Marco_Boeck :) Thank you.
  • UF_AT_LearningSpacesUF_AT_LearningSpaces Member, University Professor Posts: 2 University Professor
    edited October 2019
    Awesome, I'm going to test this out shortly, but I have a good feeling about it :smile:

    On a slightly related note, is there a silent/unattended install switch available? I think /s used to work on older versions, but it doesn't appear to be working for me now.

    EDIT: Nevermind, it appears the switch is case sensitive and must be capitalized, so /S works.
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