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Uninstall RapdiMiner Server

j_loguej_logue Member Posts: 2 Learner II
edited October 2019 in Help
Hi, Community!

I'd like to uninstall RM Server from my Win 2016 Server so I can do a fresh install of the latest version (the original was misconfigured and I want to start from scratch!



  • sgenzersgenzer Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Community Manager, Member, University Professor, PM Moderator Posts: 2,959 Community Manager
    hi @j_logue have you tried searching the community here and/or the docs.rapidminer.com pages? Lots of info there. Please come back to this discussion if you do not find what you're looking for.


  • j_loguej_logue Member Posts: 2 Learner II
    I have but the only relevant post had very vague responses.
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