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Different results while running a EM clustering process on RapidMiner and weka
I am running the EM clustering for the same data using rapidminer and weka for the same parameters. But I found a different result. Here is my process, data, and result. Why this happens does anyone explain? Thanks in advance.
rapidminer result
rapidminer result
Cluster 0: 1108 items Cluster 1: 0 items Cluster 2: 0 items Total number of items: 1108weka result
Clustered Instances
0 114 ( 10%)
1 813 ( 73%)
2 181 ( 16%)
Best Answer
sgenzer Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Community Manager, Member, University Professor, PM Moderator Posts: 2,959 Community Managerhi @lokraj so getting different results does not surprise me. k-means clustering uses a local random seed to start the process. I don't see your Weka process so I cannot compare but possibly you're seeing randomness at play.