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Error JBAS014775 after restarting RM Server 9.4

tinodjtinodj Member Posts: 2 Newbie
edited November 2019 in Help

After the installation server was working. It was installed as windows server. When it was stopped, the service was not starting anymore. When try to start it failed to start. After killing one java process, and starting it, it was not failing to start, it was in running state for some time but not really working. The log is showing the following error: JBAS014775 and then something with service jboss.connector.config (missing) dependents which also continues with mssqlserver dependents. 

Anyone expirienced the same and can help? This is RM Server 9.4 using MS SQL Server as its database. 

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    tinodjtinodj Member Posts: 2 Newbie
    Solution Accepted

    I found out that adding <property value="600" name="" /> to the standalone.xml helped me a lot. The problem was that 5 minutes were not enough to boot. Thanks for you help, now everything works! 


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    mmichelmmichel Employee, Member Posts: 129 RM Engineering
    Hi tinodj,

    could you upload the complete server.log? Otherwise it's hard to guess whats wrong here.

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