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Change Parameters in Auto Model

PyNoobPyNoob Member Posts: 15 Learner III
edited November 2019 in Help
I am unable to change parameters i.e. the parameters except Score dont change the "Most Likely". How can I do it?


Best Answer


  • varunm1varunm1 Member Posts: 1,207 Unicorn
    Hello @PyNoob

    I changed the first option Event Time:half-year = 2 and the "Most likely" part is changing.


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  • PyNoobPyNoob Member Posts: 15 Learner III
    Hi @varunm1 the partameters are essentially the time a team competes (Date of event), the teams playing (Home team & Away Team) The competition of the event and the score (Home Score, Away Score & Score) The classification is what I am trying to predict given a particular team in a particular event and wether its playing home or away.
    Thank you for your clarity. Yes, the vlaues change however, what does every parameter mean? What does Event time: Half Year = 2 or Event Time:half year = 1 mean? How & Why does it change my output?
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