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Loading categories dynamically for a categorical domain.

Christos_KarapapasChristos_Karapapas Member Posts: 25 Contributor II
edited December 2019 in Help
I'm trying to create a categorical domain and populate its categories from a table in a database.
So I did the following:
  • Created the table
  • Created the domain
  • Checked the load categories dynamically
  • Filled the rest of the fields
  • And also completed a couple of categories manually just to test which categories are loaded
  • I completed the Database connection with the db connection string that I already use for the rest of the web app
So far it doesn't work, how can I test which of all these configuration fails?


  • BalazsBaranyBalazsBarany Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert Posts: 955 Unicorn

    I just tested on my server and it works correctly.

    The database connection needs to be already there (and working). I then created a test realm, the new domain, selected the DB connection and the table, and entered the field names for IDs and values. As soon as I was done with entering the data, the server displayed the existing categories.

  • Christos_KarapapasChristos_Karapapas Member Posts: 25 Contributor II
    BalazsBarany Hello and thank you for the answer! 

    The connection showed in the image is the only connection I use for mySQL Server and it's working, however it's not available in the Database Connection dropdown in my categorical domains.

    Do I have to make any other configurations? For example, copy the connection in the same app folder? Or maybe declare somewhere in the web app settings which db connections I want to use in this specific web app?

    It's possible that I have created the web app prior to the connection, I can't really remember, could this be the reason? 

  • BierseppBiersepp Member Posts: 14 Contributor II
    I had the same problem recently, because I wanted to add a new database connection for web apps. 

    I figured out, that the setting for adding new conncetions for web apps seems to be in the legacy connection management, which is not possible to change in newer versions of the AI Hub. Maybe it can be done in a standalone deployment, when you have access to all config xml-files.

    The question is if web apps will become deprecated and abandoned in the future or if the connection management will be extended for web apps. 
    Grafana with web services might be a work around for you, depending on your use case. Variables can be set there as well, I haven't tried it with web services yet.


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