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bulk scoring in rapidminer server

NeelNeel Member Posts: 4 Learner III
Hi everyone,

What is the best way to bulk score new records (100s of thousands originating from enterprise DB) using a deployed model (deployed via Deployment) in the Rapidminer server? 

>I have tried using the web service, but it does not scale. The response time for a single record is around 3 seconds currently.
> There's no 'real-time' scoring requirement. It is a daily single bulk request. 

Best Answer


  • NeelNeel Member Posts: 4 Learner III
    Hi @IngoRM,

    Thank you. I could re-purpose the "score_set" to "bulk-score" by
    1. setting the  "select which=1" for "Define Target" block as there shouldn't be a target column for prediction. 
    2. setting the "select which=1" for "Define ID" block as the training mode doesn't need an identifier (optional) and prediction needed one.

    It would actually be great to have a standard "bulk-score" process auto-generated from the deployment.


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