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Jaulie_Jaulie_ Member Posts: 5 Learner III
edited February 2020 in Help
Hello everyone,

i made a model for Image mining. but it always didn`t work. These are my log , there is a java.lang.NullPointerException . i can`t fix it .Could some one help me ? Thanks!!

Feb 5, 2020 10:39:51 AM INFO: Process E:\Fallstudien\folder_2019-10-15__06-03-21__260\Processes\ImageMiningClassification_K-NN.rmp starts

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE: Process failed: operator cannot be executed. Check the log messages...

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE: Here: 

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:           Process[1] (Process)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:            subprocess 'Main Process'

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              +- MCIO[1] (Multiple Color Image Opener)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:            subprocess 'Executed Process'

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              |     +- Global Feature Extractor from a Single Image[270] (Global Feature Extractor from a Single Image)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:            subprocess 'Executed Process'

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              |           +- Global statistics[270] (Global statistics)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              |           +- histogram[270] (histogram)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              |           +- BIC[270] (Border / Interior Classification)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              |           +- OBCF[270] (Order-based Block Color)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              |           +- Color to grayscale[270] (Color to grayscale)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              |           +- dLog[270] (dLog Distance)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              +- Multiply[1] (Multiply)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              +- Validation[1] (X-Validation)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:            subprocess 'Training'

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              |  |  +- k-NN[271] (k-NN)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:            subprocess 'Testing'

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              |     +- Apply Model[270] (Apply Model)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              |     +- Performance[270] (Performance (Binominal Classification))

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              |     +- Performance (2)[0] (Performance (Binominal Classification))

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              +- Open Gray-scale Image[1] (Open Gray-scale Image)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              +- statistical_region_merging[0] (statistical_region_merging)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              +- Subprocess[0] (Subprocess)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:            subprocess 'Nested Process'

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              |     +- Segment Feature Extractor[0] (Segment Feature Extractor)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:            subprocess 'Executed Process'

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              |     |     +- roi_statistics[0] (roi_statistics)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              |     +- Filter Examples[0] (Filter Examples)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              |     +- segment_filter_by_exampleset[0] (segment_filter_by_exampleset)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              |     +- merge_segments_to_image[0] (merge_segments_to_image)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              +- Inverse[0] (Inverse)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:        ==>   +- Viola-Jones[1] (Viola-Jones)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              +- Multiply (2)[0] (Multiply)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              +- Detector[0] (Detector)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE:              +- Interest Points Visualizer[0] (Interest Points Visualizer)

Feb 5, 2020 10:44:29 AM SEVERE: java.lang.NullPointerException



  • MartinLiebigMartinLiebig Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, University Professor Posts: 3,528 RM Data Scientist
    the operator creating it is "Viola-Jones" which is to the best of my knowledge not one of our core operators? Where did you get this from?


    - Sr. Director Data Solutions, Altair RapidMiner -
    Dortmund, Germany
  • Jaulie_Jaulie_ Member Posts: 5 Learner III
    edited February 2020
    Hi,my professor in university gave me this extension.

  • David_ADavid_A Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RMResearcher, Member Posts: 297 RM Research
    It looks like this is the image mining extension.

    Unfortunately this extension is no longer maintained by it's developers (not directly RapidMiner) and it has many issues that we can't fix.

    Is it mandatory to use the extension for your assignment?
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