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importance of attribute feature

ThiruThiru Member Posts: 100 Guru
hi all, can i have clarification on the below: 

1. which operator  to be used to identify the role and its importance of a particular descriptive feature over other features  in relation with target feature.

2.  Any guideline to study the correlation between the descriptive features?

thanks in advance for your reply.


Best Answer

  • varunm1varunm1 Member Posts: 1,207 Unicorn
    Solution Accepted
    Hello @Thiru

    There are multiple ways you can do this.

    1. You can simply use correlation matrix operator and add the label to that (include special attributes). This way you can check the correlation between features and target. Automodel also has this feature. You can also use weight by correlation operator.

    I recommend using automodel as it provides you with features that are prominent based on 4 factors like correlation, idness, stability and missing values. You can also find their descriptions.

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