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Custom Operator integration

schmittschmitt Member Posts: 5 Contributor II
edited November 2018 in Help
Hi all,

Does a custom operator necessarily have to be subclassed from Operator?

My custom operator is an adapted version of the BinominalClassificationPerformance subclassed from MeasuredPerformance.
The problem is, that it is not visible in RapidMiner after deployment while a second custom operator in the jar (TestOp) is visible.

The included operators.xml should be fine::


    name        = "EnhancedClassificationPerformance"
    class      = "com.rapidminer.operator.performance.EnhancedClassificationPerformance"
    description = "This operator delivers as output a list of performance values according to a list of selected performance criteria (for binominal classification tasks)."
    group      = "Validation"/>   
name        = "TestOp" 
    class      = "myPackage.TestOp"
    description = "Operator is subclassed from Operator and is visible in RapidMiner"
    group      = "Other"/> 
Any clue or workaround?

Best regards,


  • steffensteffen Member Posts: 347 Maven

    Does a custom operator necessarily have to be subclassed from Operator?
    Yes !
    Any clue or workaround?
    If you want to add new operator for performance measurement, you have to subclass e.g. com.rapidminer.operator.performance.AbstractPerformanceEvaluator
    Take a look at the class BinaryClassificationPerformance and BinominalClassificationPerformanceEvaluatorr, both in the package com.rapidminer.operator.performance. One represents the operator you can add to a process, the other one calculates the performance measure and is hooked into the evaluator operator, which delegates the calculation.

    hope this was helpful

  • schmittschmitt Member Posts: 5 Contributor II

    of course, that's it!
    Works perfectly now...

    Thanks for the quick reply!

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