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Logistic regression with and without regularisation

ThiruThiru Member Posts: 100 Guru
edited February 2020 in Help
hi all,

I have a classification case, wherein I use Logistic regression.  

 At first instant - I get accuracy of 68.52% with 100% recall.
subsequently with regularisation - I get accuracy of 98.77% with 100 % recall.

1. can you elaborate , how regularisation leads to this much jump in better accuracy. can you explain the basics behind this rapidminer option.
2. I couldn't see lamda value in result.  Is there any way to get it displayed.
3.  Both the cases , I get 100% recall.  ( zero false negative, which is desirable in my case.).  
But Im not sure, whether it is a  good model.

I achieved above after normalisation and cross validation.  Im enclosing 
both results.  thanks



Best Answers


  • ThiruThiru Member Posts: 100 Guru
    hi @varunm1
    thanks for your reply.  can you elaborate the role of lambda & how it changes the performance of the model.  thanks.
  • ThiruThiru Member Posts: 100 Guru
    hi @varunm1

    thanks for your reply.

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