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Import Configuration Wizard not working?

WillDowdyWillDowdy Member Posts: 4 Learner I
I am trying to use Import Configuration Wizard on a Read Excel operator, but the correct window for Import Configuration Wizard will not open. It only opens the Import Data window when I click it.

To be clear, I am clicking into Read Excel's Parameters, clicking Import Configuration Wizard, and the standard Import Data window opens.  

Does anyone know how I might fix this?

Best Answer


  • MarcoBarradasMarcoBarradas Administrator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Member Posts: 272 Unicorn
    @WillDowdy you need to go to your file select it and then the wizard eill help you with all the other tasks

  • WillDowdyWillDowdy Member Posts: 4 Learner I
    @MarcoBarradas So what happens after I do that is it sends me through the standard Import Data process.  I've provided a screenshot of that.  What I would like to see is the window in the second picture I've provided from a tutorial video, which walks through a different import process.
  • MarcoBarradasMarcoBarradas Administrator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Member Posts: 272 Unicorn
    @WillDowdy your second image is the first step of the wizard on which you'll pick the file you are going to work with.
    The second image shows that you have already picked an you are working on the customer data sheet of that excel. 
    If that's not the file you want to work with click on previous to return and it should take you to step 1 ( your second image)
    You are following this video right? https://academy.rapidminer.com/learn/video/basic-data-loading-demo
  • WillDowdyWillDowdy Member Posts: 4 Learner I
    The video I am following is actually called "Data Preparation."
    The second image is a screenshot of that video. 
    I haven't been able to see that "data import wizard" window on my own computer.
    When I click into the Wizard, it just sends me to "data import" with no wizard features.  
  • WillDowdyWillDowdy Member Posts: 4 Learner I
    @MarcoBarradas forgot to tag you ^, thanks for helping by the way 
  • sgenzersgenzer Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Community Manager, Member, University Professor, PM Moderator Posts: 2,959 Community Manager
  • JamesHJamesH Member Posts: 1 Learner I
    Hi, I am having the exact same problem as Will Dowdy above, and I don't think it was really answered here. He correctly points out that the tutorial video for data loading shows the import configuration window when the Wizzard button is pressed, but when you actually press the button in RM, you simply get taken to the standard import data process. It is like the Wizzard button in the tutoriaal and real life are different .

    Also the video he is referring to is not the one suggested by @MarcoBarradas above, but rather the video entitled 'Data Loading via a Process' in the RM academy under the 'Getting started wit RM' > 'Data Access and Preparation' section (at about 40 seconds into the video). The Wizzard is working in the tutorial, but in reality, when you click the 'Wizzard' button, you see what Will Dowdy above shows in his first screenshot. Could there currently be  problem with the Wizzard? 

    Thanks in advance
  • Knut-RMKnut-RM Administrator, Employee, Member, University Professor Posts: 113 Administrator
    Hi all, the issue here is that the video which is under discussion (https://academy.rapidminer.com/learn/video/data-loading-via-a-process) was created in version 7.6 it is outdated and simply needs to be redone as the functionality has slightly changed. However when you drag in the read Read excel and click the 'import Configuration Wizard' straight away without changing anything else in the parameters panel you will still get an open file dialog. Hope this helps and rest assured we will update as soon as we can to avoid any further frustration.

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