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Importing Xlsb file to rapidminer

MeraMera Member Posts: 4 Learner I
edited April 2020 in Help
I have 3 questions:
1) How can I import  xlsb file to rapidminer, does rapidminer support this type of file?
2) Do I have to only use a CSV file with collaborative filtering or can I use xlsb file?
3) Is it possible for rapidminer to append and proccess for collaborative filtering 5 files each is 1 million rows ?

Thanks for the help 

Best Answer

  • rfuentealbarfuentealba RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Member, University Professor Posts: 568 Unicorn
    Solution Accepted
    Hello @Mera,

    • XLSB files are binary Excel formats. You can open these with the Read Excel operator.
    • As long as your data is imported at the moment of execution, you can use anything that is supported.
    • I think it depends on your machine specifications, license and how much time it takes to do that. I would begin with smaller samples first.
    All the best,



  • MeraMera Member Posts: 4 Learner I
    thank you so much for your help much appreciated.
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